Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 3

of my cold. can't wait for it to be over. I didn't proctor at school today. They didn't need me. I mowed the grass instead, took all my green tomatoes to the school office staff and cut down my vines except for 2 with blooms. Then I visited friends on my websites and cut some dies with my cutter. It's correctly correctly now just not all the way through the paper. Need to work on that some more.

I have a roast in the crock pot for supper - yummmmm. J has leader's club at the Y tonight and that's all for today. We're getting ready to watch Leatherheads now.

Wish my ears would pop - lol.

1 comment:

Christine Delgadillo said...

day 3 of the cold? so how long is it supposed to last (I read that you knew because of J & R's cold). BTW, loved your finds from Lowe's!