Saturday, April 21, 2007

Before and After...

Today was yard and scrapping day :). I mowed first (had only planned to do the front but felt great and it was sooo pretty that I did the back too.) After mowing I started trimming some of my flowering shrubs. but my main objective was our huge holly tree. I need R to help me with it because I needed a ladder. Here's my lousy picture of it before it was trimmed. (I got my finger or something in the way. You think I'd check the picture since I'm using a digital camera - sigh.)

And here's my lousy picture of it after it was trimmed. Looks a little better.


joybear said...

Looks lovely!

Leah said...

THat is a big tree! What did you climb a ladder?? we use the tractor bucket to trim our oaks

Valerie said...

Sheesh that's a HUGE tree! You're amazing!

Christine Delgadillo said...

that's a big tree...and nice thumb shot heehee ;)